
Icon Packs

For those that don't know, I am into Desktop customization (It's like crack for my laptop). What you may not know is that I have found a new suplier SSX on dA. He's a great guy and has made a unified program set that includes MS Office (all of the 2k7 programs and a few older ones), CS2, and now - Word Perfect Suite! I love this guy! He is actually on my list of people to give moeny to once I get settled in my new job. Great Work SSX, and while I know noone reads this I had to post it anyway!


So very very tired

And I don't even know why.

And yes it has been almost a whole year from the time I last posted.


The Big One (dead tree version)...

...Is now on AMAZON  Get it now (it's on my to-do list)

G'kar, Nanotech and SCN

So small as to not even be there - Yes I'm evil.  Why bother SCN when I can let their paranoia do my work for me.


I do feel sorry for that poor bastard who registered as hal.  He's so rutting screwed.

Atleast the enough clues have been dropped.


Way too long

Yep, I've gone and done it again - I haven't posted on my blog.  Not that this is a regular blog as I should have told you from the start - This is a Timothy C. Blog.  A lot has happened since my last post, Not the least of which was my banning from SCN (Subspace Comms Net), and my subsequent De-moding from Nov-net which is hosted by the same person.  While I harbored some resentment to the administrative staff of SCN, I have been able to let most of it go.  I harbor no ill will to the members of that forum, and have been moving on (while keeping an eye on them, to make sure they don't start lying about all that happened). 

On a side note, I've finally finished Mark 1 of my TBO'verse Icon, which can be found on HPCA in the TBO'verse Art and Factfiles subforum. Mark 2 is in pre-production, and Mark 3 is in Concept development (Mark 3 might go away if Monolistic isn't kind enough to help me out with the folder).  Mark 4 is also in Pre-production at the present time (Don't ask why Mark 4 is further allong than Mark 3), and Mark 4A is in Concept (It's very hard to get some dAers to let me use certain templates for some very detailed work).


Well that's all for this update, I hope to have it posted in the next few days (before Christmas if I am lucky).  On that note I wish you all a Happy Holidays!

Music: Dansez-Vous - Pink Martini "Hang On Little Tomato"

Background: Alpine from IconFactory

Drink: Screwdriver, on the rocks


It's my Birthday!

I'm 21.


Home of the Brave 1


New TBO for all of you fans

Home of the Brave 1 by Chewie!


It's adictive


Victory is Mine!

I finally got the paperwork done that I need to get an apointment with my therapist.  Which is good because I just ran out of prozac.  Yeah this is not good.  Anyway, atleast I don't have school this next week and a half, and I'm going to see my grandmother over Labor Day, which should help get me out of this darn rut.